Personal data provided by you during your contractual, professional or commercial relationship with AGEDI, Entidad de Gestión de Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual, shall be treated for the purpose of maintaining such relationships, as well as for sending you communications that may be of your interest. You are free to oppose to receive such communications without conditioning our contractual, commercial and professional relationships. In order to carry out such management, it is possible that your data are transferred to bank entities and the Tax Agency.
The aforementioned data treatment is necessary to maintain the contractual, commercial or professional relationship. We also inform you that your details shall be stored while these relationships are effective for the time lapse set by taxing laws or during the deadlines established to answer to possible claims
Personal data from Members of AGEDI are treated for the management of membership applications, for the management of intellectual property rights of phonogram producers, for the implementation of Electronic Business Solutions for the Management of Repertoire, Rights and Music Production, for assigning the ISRC Code and for the Distribution of intellectual property rights to AGEDI members.
With the purpose of managing the distribution of intellectual property rights, in the case that you have entrusted us the international management of your rights, it is necessary that the personal data of Members of AGEDI are communicated to other collective management organizations, also to those based outside the European Union. Thus, this international transfer of data is necessary for the execution of its contract with AGEDI and always in its own interest.
With regard to the assignment of ISRC Code, your data will be communicated to the Tax Administration as well as to the International ISRC Agency (Secretariat of the International Federation of the Recording Industry -IFPI-, based in London, United Kingdom).
The basis for legitimate data treatment is the consent given when sending to AGEDI your membership application and, in case of being admitted as a member of AGEDI, the execution of the management mandate as well as the consent given when sending the general form for members and the statement of labels. Your data shall be stored for 6 months (indefinitely regarding the ISRC Code in accordance with the International Standard ISO 3901/2001), unless it is necessary to store them for a longer time to attend possible claims or, in case you are admitted as a member of AGEDI, during the legally provided terms.
The personal details gathered through the Claims and Complaints Form shall be treated by AGEDI for the management of your claim before the society’s Claims and Complaints Committee. Your details shall not be disclosed to any third party.
The basis for legitimate data treatment is the compliance with a legal obligation (art. 159.o) of Spanish Intellectual Property Law). Your data shall be stored until the management of your claim is finished unless it is necessary to store them for a longer time to attend possible claims.
AGEDI processes personal data of users of phonograms published for commercial purposes, or of reproductions of such phonograms, which are used for their public communication (obtained from AGEDI-AIE Oficina Conjunta de Recaudación de Artistas y Productores UTE), for the purpose of collectively managing the rights of public communication corresponding to phonogram producers provided for in article 116 TRLPI which concur with article 109. 1 of Law 22/1987, declared in force by the STS of 1 March 2001, as well as the exclusive right of phonogram producers to authorize the reproduction of phonograms (art. 115 TRLPI) for subsequent communication to the public. The basis that legitimizes the processing of these users’ data is the fulfilment of a legal obligation (art.116.3 TRLPI). We will keep your data for the legally established periods and they will not be communicated to third parties, except in cases where it is necessary to comply with our legal obligations with regard to public administrations, judges, courts…
You may request the exercise of your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition and automated individual decisions, portability and limitation of the processing of your data by contacting AGEDI’s Legal Department, located at c/ María de Molina 39, 6ª Planta, 28006, Madrid or at, providing, if necessary, documentation proving your identity. You have the right to file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) if you consider your rights have been infringed.